
Posts Tagged ‘Rush Limbaugh’

From Rush Limbaugh to the Economic Policy Institute, the Obama Administration is under attack for illegally allowing American workers to be replaced by H1-B workers in violation of US law. Below is a letter to Obama’s US Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez asking for an investigation of this well chronicled illegal activity on the part of corporate leaders. American workers have been forced to train their lesser paid H1-B replacements. The difference between the old higher wages earned by American workers and the new lower wages and benefits paid to H1-B workers goes straight into the pockets of the 1 percent. In other words, the H1-B program is used to redistribute income from the 99 to the 1 percent via higher corporate CEO pay, higher profits, rising dividends and soaring share prices.

Hon. Thomas Perez
United States Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Dear Mr. Secretary:

Several newspapers and journals, including Computerworld and the L.A. Times, have reported that Southern California Edison (SCE), a public utility, has laid off hundreds of its U.S. employees and replaced them with H-1B guestworkers employed by the India-based IT services firms Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services. As my colleague, Ron Hira, has written, “Adding to the injustice, American workers losing their jobs are being forced to do “knowledge transfers,” an ugly euphemism that means being forced to train your own foreign replacement.”

As you know, the law (the Immigration and Nationality Act) forbids the hiring of H-1B temporary foreign guestworkers whose employment would “adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers comparably employed.” Clearly, taking away the jobs, wages and benefits of the laid-off SCE employees does adversely affect their wages and working conditions.

You have authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act to investigate this case, but I have seen no announcement that you intend to do so or that you share my sense of outrage that the H-1B program is being abused in such an egregious way. I hope that we will soon learn that the Department of Labor intends to investigate and remedy this harm to skilled U.S. workers who have pursued education and training in a technical field, worked hard, and played by the rules. Our government should, at the very least, ensure that its programs, including its visa programs, are not used to destroy the careers and financial security of its people.


Ross Eisenbrey
Vice President
Economic Policy Institute

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Why Wall Street, Rush Limbaugh, the Republican Party, Most Democrats and the Koch Brothers Want to Eliminate Organized Labor

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Abraham Lincoln Versus Rush Limbaugh

Abraham Lincoln Versus Rush Limbaugh

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Massachusetts Senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren shows why the Republicans fear her when she states the obvious in the link below. She talks about the rigged game the 1 percent has legislated against the 99 percent.

Click the link below great quote by Elizabeth Warren and The Rigged Game.

Senatorial Candidate Elizabeth Warren Lets Us Know About The Rigged Game

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By now, everybody with half a brain has figured out that the rich are parasites that get richer by draining the rest of us dry via legislation, such as deregulation and free trade “income redistribution” treaties. Even dogs and cats intuitively know this. However, 44 percent of Republicans and 8 percent of Democrats don’t believe reality, real reality. What that means is simple. There are a lot more brain dead Republicans than there are Democrats.

There is something even more amazing about the statistics below. Even as the income and wealth divide between the 99 percent and the 1 percent have grown wider since 1987, even as the 1 percent has stolen 93 percent of aggregate US income growth over the last two years, even as the 1 percent has increased their share of the total national income from about 8 percent in 1980 to roughly 25 percent today, the percentage of Republicans who believe “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” has declined from 62 percent in 1987 to 56 percent today.

Does that mean that Republicans have been massively dumb downed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the corporate news media? Or does it mean they’ve become stupider? Or is it a combination of both? These are good questions because Republicans today are clearly stupider on average than they were in 1987.

From the Pew Hispanic Research Center:

“The belief that the “rich just get richer while the poor get poorer” has remained stable across income groups since 1987. Those in the lowest quartile of family income –$20,000 a year or less in the current survey – continue to be somewhat more likely to agree with this sentiment than those in highest income quartile ($75,000 or more) (85% vs. 70%).

But the partisan gap in these attitudes is large and growing. The percentage of Democrats agreeing that the “rich get richer” (92%) is as high as it has ever been and has increased by eight points since the previous political values survey in 2009. Nearly three-quarters of independents (73%) agree that the rich get richer, while a much smaller majority of Republicans (56%) do so.

Partisan differences on this measure have never been wider. In the first political values survey in 1987, 84% of Democrats said the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, compared with 74% of independents and 62% of Republicans.”

Related storiesIncome inequality and the dumbing down of Republican America

The Fox Propaganda Network and the Dumbing Down of Republican America

The One Percent Has Stolen 93 Percent of Total US Income Growth from 2009 to 2011

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