
Archive for the ‘health care’ Category


From filmsforaction.org

“American biotechnology has turned Argentina into the world’s third-largest soybean producer, but the chemicals powering the boom aren’t confined to soy and cotton and corn fields. They routinely contaminate homes and classrooms and drinking water. A growing chorus of doctors and scientists is warning that their uncontrolled use could be responsible for the increasing number of health problems turning up in hospitals across the South American nation.”

Numerous peer reviewed academic studies link GMOs to health problems across the globe. These studies include genital deformities, infertility, autism, allergies, cancer, liver damage, and much more. Even some leaked studies by Syngenta, one of the largest producers of GMOs, show the harmful impacts of their products, and yet, the US propaganda machine, falsely known as a the news media, keeps you ignorant of all of this.

“In the heart of Argentina’s soybean business, house-to-house surveys of 65,000 people in farming communities found cancer rates two to four times higher than the national average, as well as higher rates of hypothyroidism and chronic respiratory illnesses. Associat

Many provinces in Argentina forbid spraying pesticides and other agrochemicals next to homes and schools. The bans range in distance from 50 meters to as much as several kilometers from populated areas. The Associated Press found many cases of soybeans planted only a few feet from homes and schools, and of chemicals mixed and loaded onto tractors inside residential neighborhoods. In the last 20 years, agrochemical spraying has increased eightfold in Argentina- from 9 million gallons in 1990 to 84 million gallons today. Glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Round Up products, is used roughly eight to ten times more per acre than in the United States. Yet Argentina doesn’t apply national standards for farm chemicals, leaving rule-making to the provinces and enforcement to the municipalities. The result is a hodgepodge of widely ignored regulations that leave people dangerously exposed.”

In the United States, Monsanto has representatives present during the negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the largest international income and political power redistribution scam falsely labeled as a trade agreement in the history of the world. These representatives have pushed the negotiators to include provisions prohibiting the citizens of the twelve effected nations from voting to label or ban the planting of GMOs on state, county or local levels.

Backed by the corporate Republican Party, and many corporate Democrats, such as Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden and Wall Street President Barack Obama, Monsanto will successfully steal your right to vote in order to continue poisoning you without your knowledge if the Trans Pacific Partnership passes through congress.

President Obama has called on congress later this month to give him imperial authority over US trade policy, which legislation called Fast Track will do. If Fast Track is passed, debate on the TPP will be limited, so you won’t know about it; no amendments to the treaty can be made, and worst of all for the citizens of the United States, no filibuster will be allowed in the senate on the TPP, which means it can sail through the senate with only fifty votes, since Vice President Joe Biden will vote for the TPP as the tie breaker. The president most likely doesn’t have sixty votes in the senate on this issue to override any filibuster, leaving the TPP dead in the water, and your voting rights safe.

Click the link below for more on this story.

Argentina: The Country Monsanto Poisoned–FilmsforAction.org

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President Obama is now fighting against his own party, by allying himself with the corporate wing of the Republican Party, in his fight to destroy the American middle class. The president does have a few Democratic allies, such as Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden, the only US senator ever called a “useful idiot” by a Nobel Prize economist.

The president is waging war against the middle class with an Income and Political Power Redistribution Scam that he falsely labels a free trade agreement, called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The president has made certain the TPP is the most secretive scheme ever called a free trade agreement in US history.

This month, President Obama and the corporate Republican Party leaders are going to push for legislation called Fast Track. They are opposed by progressive Democrats and Tea Party Republicans. See Left and Right United–New York Times.

If passed, Fast Track will allow only limited debate, no amendments, and no filibuster in the senate on the Trans Pacific Partnership. The key is most likely the filibuster. The TPP will export millions of US jobs, redistribute massive amounts of income from the 99 to the 1 percent in the process, eliminate your voting rights on health, safety and labeling issues on the state and local levels, and lots more, and none of it good for you or the environment. That’s only a few things we know about the agreement because it is the most secretive trade agreement in US history. Call your congressional representatives and tell them to represent you in the issue of Fast Track. Tell them to vote no. You can discover your US house and senate representatives and their numbers at ContactingtheCongress.org .

We know from leaked documents the TPP is a massive income redistribution scam. We know that;

* TPP will give incentives for US corporations to export millions of US jobs. The Federal Reserve estimates that 28 million US jobs were exported between 1990 and 2010.

* TPP will increase US income and wealth inequality. The 1 percent have already taken 95 percent of all income growth in the United States since 2009. Currently, the 1 percent are stealing 36+ percent of all income produced in the USA. When the above jobs were exported, the difference between the old higher US wages and the new lower wages will go straight into the pockets of the 1 percent via higher corporate profits, rising dividends and surging share prices.

* Those lost jobs will no longer be paying the taxes for our infrastructure, social safety nets, schools, fire and police, but those lost jobs will push the stock markets higher.

* TPP will effectively eliminate your voting rights on local and state issues since it will unconstitutionally grant investors of the 0.01 percent special privileges to challenge labeling and health and safety local laws and regulations of the 99 percent, which most people call voter suppression, but in this case it should be called voter elimination,

* TPP will offer new monopolies for Big Pharma to raise medicine prices they charge you (which redistributes income from the 99 to the 1 percent),

* TPP will limit food safety standards (which redistributes and transforms your health into the profits of the 1 percent),

* TPP will block financial regulations aimed at preventing the next financial crisis (which will make it easier for Wall Street to redistribute your income and wealth to the 1 percent).

* TPP will destroy millions of jobs in Latin America (230,000 in the textile industry of El Salvador alone) forcing millions of undocumented immigrants into the United States.

* The result of the above will be to depress wages in both North and South America, all to the benefit of the 1 percent, and all at the expense of the 99 percent.

* And we can’t forget that TPP will increase the already massive US trade deficit with other nations, which is supposed to be a bad thing. The exported jobs will be producing goods overseas rather than here, and then US corporations will export their products from China and Vietnam into the United States, exacerbating the current trade deficit.

In other words, the TPP has almost nothing to do with trade. It’s about taking away your money, your voting rights, and giving them to the 1 percent.

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From GMO Free USA

NEW PEER-REVIEWED STUDY: Glufosinate Ammonium (GLA), the herbicide sprayed on Bayer’s herbicide tolerant Liberty Link GMO crops, has been found to induce austism-like symptoms in mice after their mothers were exposed to low doses – both pre and post-natal. The study raises fundamental concerns about the ability of current safety testing to assess risks of pesticide exposure during critical developmental periods. Another toxic herbicide in your GMO food.

A peer review study must pass rigorous standards. Multiple peer review studies show harmful impacts of GMOs to rats, amphibians, hams, cows and other animals. This includes such maladies as death by GMO, infertility, sterility, cancer, deformed genitals, and much, much more. The corporate propaganda machine known as the corporate media doesn’t want you to know about this stuff. They insist these studies are under dispute. They are under dispute, but only by GMO corporations. That’s something they won’t tell you.

In the meantime, the GMO corporate controlled USDA has decided not to take the health and safety of the American people into consideration when approving GMOs. The USDA “has approved for the 2015 growing season Roundup tolerant, Bt toxic pesticide producing GMO soy. The latest agrichemical innovation to grace your dinner plate without your knowledge or consent. Approved by the USDA in 2014, this new variety of soy joins two other crops which are also EPA registered pesticides that kill insects – Bt toxic insecticide producing corn & cotton (for cottonseed oil) are already an integral part of our food supply. HERBICIDE ON THE SOY. INSECTICIDE IN THE SOY. What a delightful gourmet treat!” From GMO Free USA

When an insect bites into a plant that is filled with the Bt toxin, its intestines begin to swell until it explodes. In one study, the uterus of 93 percent of women tested were loaded with the Bt toxin. Notice the corporate press is not reporting this. Instead, the corporate press is calling for a congressional vote to eliminate (suppress) your right to vote on state and county levels to label foods with GMO poisons in them.

Your government and the corporate press are corrupted to the core by big money. That’s why the USDA is approving this poison for your consumption, and that’s why they don’t want you to know about it.


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Wall Street’s US House Republican Mike Pompeo (who represents Monsanto in the US congress) last April called for a nationwide ban to label foods with genetically modified organisms in them, and the bill he sponsored is going to be aired in committee on December 10.  The bill is co-sponsored by Wall Street’s US House Representative G.K. Butterfield (a Democrat who represents Monsanto disguised as a representative of North Carolina). On November 21 of this year the editors of the Oregonian newspaper endorsed the ban, effectively calling for suppressing the votes of people nationwide.

In Oregon, Ballot Measure 92 called for the labeling of foods that contained GMOs. The people voted on it November 4. It’s now in the process of being recounted since the vote was so close. There are hints that the yes votes in some counties were under-counted, as reported by local news media, which is not the same as the corporate news media, which is what the Oregonian newspaper is.

Ballot Measure 92 had strong support among local businesses, such as the Whole Foods and New Seasons Food Store chains. Those opposed to the measure were out-of-state companies such as Pepsico and Monsanto. The editors of the Oregonian newspaper were against Measure 92, which shows how important the national corporate agenda to wipe out democracy for the middle class is to the editors when they can defy local advertisers on behalf of out-of-state multinational corporations.

Ballot Measure 92 was a product of signatures, and a process called an initiative. Under this system, citizens can write a possible law, get enough voter signatures, and the proposal gets on the ballot. Then citizens vote yes or no on the thing. Notice bio-tech corporations and food corporations that poison people by putting GMOs in their food products can’t vote on these initiatives. Which brings us to an important point.

There is no such thing as an initiative process on the national level. In other words, Pompeo, Butterfield, and the editors of the Oregonian newspaper, are proposing to wipe out the initiative process on the state and local levels when it comes to GMOs. In other words, they are planning to steal your right to vote by going through congress. Nice scam, huh?

Most of the Republican Party, a large chunk of the Democratic Party, and most of the corporate propaganda machine disguised as news outlets are moving to destroy your voting rights to make the nation safe for the poisons known as GMOs.

The editors of the Oregonian newspaper insist there are no serious studies that show GMO’s are harmful to human health. Any such studies are under dispute, or so they’ve written in the past. Here’s what they haven’t mentioned; those studies are under dispute only by the GMO corporations and organizations funded by GMO corporations. The plot thickens, doesn’t it?

While there are numerous independent studies showing likely harmful effects by GMOs to humans, there are also two studies we know of that demonstrate possible human health problems with GMOs underwritten by GMO giant Syngenta. Both were kept secret by Syngenta. The editors of the Oregonian have kept us ignorant of these studies. Check out the reports on them below.

The honesty of GMO corporate leadership on this issue, and the honesty of the editors and reporters of the Oregonian newspaper, are similar to the honesty of the leaders of the tobacco corporations when they told us for decades that the use of tobacco had no harmful impacts on humans, and they suppressed their own studies on this issue showing the opposite was true. In other words, they lied. And we’re supposed to trust the GMO corporations?

The editors of the Oregonian, Pompeo and Butterfield know this too, yet they support the same tactics for GMO corporations as the tobacco industry once used. That’s how they keep us ignorant, and allow the 1 percent to roll over us. That is their job.

Syngenta charged with lying over cattle deaths–GM Watch

A Valuable Reputation–the New Yorker

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The Democrats in congress are mostly against the Keystone Pipeline, which will transport crude oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, if approved by congress and not vetoed by President Obama. The Republican senators and representatives are, by and large, for this potential environmental disaster.

If the pipeline doesn’t make it past a veto the Republicans will blame environmentalists that supposedly influence the Democratic members of congress and President Obama. However, one can rightly suspect that there is something more to this than meets the eye.

Perhaps the Democratic position has something to do with billionaire investor Warren Buffett doling out $15 billion to purchase the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad earlier this year, the largest railroad shipper of crude oil in the nation, according to its website. Buffett is a big financial supporter of the Democrats, but he financially dabbles a little bit with some Republicans.

Buffett heads Berkshire Hathaway, one the largest hedge funds in the world. Its stock price is currently over $200,000 per share. A hedge fund is nothing more than an unregulated investment firm that buys and sells stocks and bonds, sort of like a Goldman Sachs without any rules.

The Keystone Pipeline will transport oil from Canada and the United States to the Gulf of Mexico for export elsewhere. If completed, the pipeline may take a lot of business from Burlington Northern Santa Fe. In which case, the share price of Burlington Northern Santa Fe will likely drop as its profits decline. The profits from Burlington that Berkshire Hathaway receives will also fall, which could put downward pressure on its stock price. The result would be less money for all of those Democratic politicians who count on that money.

The billionaire Koch Brothers are a major financial player behind the building of the Keystone Pipeline. They invest billions in the Republican party and its candidates. They stand to make billions from building the pipeline, and the pipeline will service one of their Texas oil refineries.

Quite naturally, the pipeline represents a conduit of future cash for Republican Party candidates, whereas Burlington and Berkshire Hathaway represent a stream of cash for Democratic Party candidates.

There are other perks candidates of both parties receive from big contributors, such as vacations in Scotland and cushy jobs that make them rich after they leave office.

Notice none of the major corporate news media is mentioning issues such as these. That’s because the job of reporters and editors of the corporate news media is to keep you ignorant, and biased against the political party you don’t like.

In government, in legislation, in negotiating trade treaties, the Democrats represent a fraction of the 0.01 percent richest Americans, the Republicans represent another fraction of the 0.01 percent wealthiest Americans, and a third fraction of the richest Americans play both sides, such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, both of which are corporations whose primary interests are to increase the amount of income and wealth of the 1 percent at the expense of the 99 percent.

When the president vetoes the legislation approving the Keystone Pipeline, and the Republicans won’t have sufficient votes to override that veto, the press will dutifully quote Republican Party leaders about the alleged jobs lost due to not building the pipeline. They will, conveniently, not mention the jobs that might have been lost because of a decline in Burlington Northern Santa Fe profits had the pipeline been approved.

They will blame the environmentalists, and turn that word into an epithet. Naturally, the environmentalists will have played no role in the failure of government to approve of the pipeline because it’s all about who gets the money. Follow the money folks!

Republican and Democratic Party leaders don’t want the 99 percent to know that the real political battles in Washington D.C., and in state capitals across the nation, are being fought between a small group of billionaires at the expense of everyone else. And the corporate news media will continue to ensure that the debate over this issue is vigorous, but limited enough to deceive the American public. In other words, the corporate media intends to keep us in the dark over this issue, and then lie to us and point their fingers at the environmentalists for the failure of government to approve the Keystone Pipeline.

The battle over the Keystone Pipeline is all about money, and keeping us ignorant of this fact. Because once you know this fact, then you’ll begin to understand how the political and economic games, and the games the corporate media plays with information, are all rigged against the 99 percent.

One last note, the second job of the corporate news media is to keep the 99 percent divided over social issues, such as abortion, gun rights, the war against Christmas, red vs. blue state, gay marriage, and immigration, among many others, while keeping our eyes off the things that really matter, and that is what’s in your wallet. The corporate news media has done a marvelous in this respect.

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This is the income redistribution treaty Wall Street Republicans, such as Orrin Hatch, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are salivating over. This is the income redistribution treaty President Obama and Wall Street Democrats, such as Ron Wyden, are salivating over. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP or TPPA) is the income redistribution treaty that is intended to destroy US democracy and destroy the US middle class.

By the way, there are a lot more bad things for the middle class going on than the video lets on, such as negotiators are pushing for higher pharmaceutical drug prices, and eliminating any local, county or state abilities to label GMOs. In other words, Obama and this gang of Republicans and Democrats intend to use this treaty to curtail your voting rights. President Obama, and Democrats in general, call this voter suppression.

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Paul Krugman is a typical, and often correct, critic of President Barack Obama. He’s been right on policy decisions on a number of occasions, and most notably, when President Obama has been wrong.

In a new story in Rolling Stone, Krugman has done an about face on Obama and the president’s historical significance.

“When it comes to Barack Obama,” Krugman writes, “I’ve always been out of sync. Back in 2008, when many liberals were wildly enthusiastic about his candidacy and his press was strongly favorable, I was skeptical. I worried that he was naive, that his talk about transcending the political divide was a dangerous illusion given the unyielding extremism of the modern American right. Furthermore, it seemed clear to me that, far from being the transformational figure his supporters imagined, he was rather conventional-minded: Even before taking office, he showed signs of paying far too much attention to what some of us would later take to calling Very Serious People, people who regarded cutting budget deficits and a willingness to slash Social Security as the very essence of political virtue.”

“And I wasn’t wrong. Obama was indeed naive: He faced scorched-earth Republican opposition from Day One, and it took him years to start dealing with that opposition realistically. Furthermore, he came perilously close to doing terrible things to the U.S. safety net in pursuit of a budget Grand Bargain; we were saved from significant cuts to Social Security and a rise in the Medicare age only by Republican greed, the GOP’s unwillingness to make even token concessions.”

All of this is true, and everything Krugman writes in the Rolling Stone appears on surface to be true, but Krugman misses a major point.

Under President Obama, income and wealth equality has skyrocketed. 95 percent of all income growth in the USA over the last four years has gone into the pockets of the 1 percent. Record levels of income and wealth are now in the hands of the 1 percent, which accounts for much lower demand for goods and services, lower job and wage growth, and slower economic growth, all of which hurts the 99 percent, and all of which serves the 1 percent.

The policies the president has championed have played a major role in this.

Free trade treaties, for example, are negotiated with an eye toward shipping US jobs overseas with the difference between the old higher wages and the new lower wages going into the already fat wallets of the super rich via higher corporate earnings, rising share prices and soaring dividends. Right now, as we speak, the president is championing the Trans Pacific Partnership, the largest income redistribution scam of all time. It is a so-called free trade treaty that has been negotiated to jack up prices on goods and services, and lower wages, all of which redistributes income from the 99 to the 1 percent.

Under Obama, student loan interest doubled, and the payments of millions of student loans goes straight into the pockets of those who possess bonds backed by student loans: hedge funds and the rich. With a little work, the president might have stopped this madness.

Obama is not stupid, he knows precisely what he is doing. He’s redistributing income on behalf of his largest campaign contributors, the largest investment banks on Wall Street, hedge funds, and the largest investors of the 1 percent. This is precisely why the president refused to unleash his attorney general against the crimes of Wall Street that brought about the tanking of the world economy five years ago.

And these are just a few of the things Obama has done to redistribute income from the 99 to the 1 percent, something Krugman doesn’t want you to know about.

So while Krugman makes his points in his article, and with passion, his defense of Obama is in very narrow terms.

By the way, despite my critic of Obama, he hardly rates among the worst of presidents. That distinction goes to George W. Bush, the man who created the worst mess in US history. Warren Harding, as well as several others, would have to rate below our current president, as well.


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I lost twenty pounds from April to September 2014: I didn’t diet, and I barely exercised. I never went hungry, for anything. I ate so much food my girlfriend Z kept telling me I was eating too much. What did I do? I switched from GMO to organic foods. I had been eating about 50 percent organic prior to that, but something I read prompted me to see if there might be a relationship between GMOs and the obesity epidemic. The answer was yes.

The average US male has gained 22 pounds since 1994, while the average female has added 16 pounds. GMO’s entered the US food chain in a big way in 1996, even though US Food and Drug Administration scientists warned of potentially bad health impacts from them. This included risks for allergies, as well as worse things. However, the political appointees (i.e. Monsanto influenced hacks) running the department decided the profitability of the chemical corporations and their shareholders of the 1 percent were more important than the health of the 99 percent.

So I decided to try this personal experiment. I lost weight despite eating somewhere around a pound of organic chocolate (mostly sweet dark) each week. I also ate organic chips, and desserts and drank non-organic wine and beer on occasion. On the road, occasionally I was forced to eat GMO food at restaurants. The girlfriend and I discovered GMO food made us hungrier, and so we craved more of the poison. Luckily, a quick organic meal or a simple organic banana killed that hunger. By the way, my girlfriend went from 113 pounds to 107 in about one and half months eating 95 percent organic foods.

There was also another side effect to eating 95 percent organic food.

I had had an allergy to a cat named Sabina for years. She was the only cat I’d ever been allergic to. My friend Shawn owned her, but he was moving and needed a temporary place for the fat, evil, foul mouthed, bad tempered thing to stay. She moved in with me. I washed my hands after every time I touched her, because every time I’d visited Shawn, and Sabina had gotten close to me, the allergic reactions set in and made me miserable for hours, despite taking allergy pills. One day after the evil feline moved in, I found her in bed with me! I didn’t have an allergic reaction. That allergy was gone.

Back in 98, I got my first allergy. It was to carpet dust. That allergy has also vanished.

I should mention one other thing. Shawn came to visit Sabina. He noticed Sabina had lost weight. We had gotten her off of the GMO diet, and let’s face it, virtually all cat food has the poison in it, or at least I would think so.

So I can say from experience that the weight and the allergies left me when I banished GMOs from my personal food chain.

Additional testimony below.

removing-junk-foods-and-gmos-improved-children’s behavior–Dynamic Health Now

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Ultimately, it is political corruption that plays the biggest role in creating income and wealth inequality. The Reagan tax cuts gave the rich and powerful the money to craft legislation, purchase politicians, such as Wall Street Senator’s Ron Wyden, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell, and then use their corrupt corporate news media to sell the legislation using lies to the public. Now that the public has begun to see reality, the news media, such as ABC News, Fox Propaganda Network, and the Oregonian newspaper, among many others, have continued the lies about how free trade treaties are good for the economy even though the US trade deficit continues to explode more and more with each treaty. That’s because US corporations are shipping more and more jobs overseas, and then they ship the products that used to be manufactured in the USA straight back to the USA, creating the trade gap and a few longshoremen jobs along the way.

Trade treaties are perhaps the principal reason the US economy is historically weak, and why job creation and wage and salary growth are also his historically bad.

The difference between the old wages and the new lower overseas wages goes into the pockets of the rich via higher corporate profits, surging dividends and soaring share prices. That’s why the same process in terms of inequality, political corruption and news media corruption are also in play with most government actions, whether it’s war in Iraq, education loans, public school testing, privatization scams, and deregulation schemes, keeping secret the negative health impacts of GMOs, among many others, it’s all about redistributing your income, your children’s income, and your neighbor’s income, as well as your health, to the 1 percent. The US government is a total cesspool of corruption, as is the corporate news media.

Now the Obama regime is trying to pass through congress the largest income redistribution treaty of them all, the Trans Pacific Partnership. Obama’s primary ally is this corrupt scam is Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden, who is crafting legislation that hasn’t been crafted yet, but he assures those who are listening that it will be fair and balanced. This legislation is called “smart track.” It’s job is to replace fast track legislation. Fast track allowed trade treaties to be voted on with little or no debate in congress, making it difficult for the public to discover what was going on and to muster opposition. Wyden’s smart track is just another scam to redistribute income from the 99 to the 1 percent on behalf of his wall street masters.

Fight back, protest, inform and organize your neighbors. Don’t let social issues get in the way of economic solidarity with your neighbors, because that’s what the corrupt news media, the political class, and the 1 percent have been doing to the 99 percent for forty years, and that’s solely to achieve their objective of income redistribution.

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While camping out in the wilds of the US west, Z and I set up our tent near a squirrel hole. We camped there for eight days. We also cooked there. We brought our own food, and it was all organic.

Everyday we ate organic bread, and the squirrels were quick to grab anything that tumbled to the ground. After a few days, Z told me she had been accidentally dropping tiny pieces of the bread near the squirrel hole. The squirrel couple instantly gobbled them up. They didn’t wait a second.

Six days into our adventure, we ran out of organic bread. So we purchased some GMO bread at a store near our camp.

My girlfriend left pieces of bread inches from the mouth of the squirrel hole, first one day, then the second day. Each day, Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel stood next to the bread, eying us. They ignored the bread, and they stopped bothering us when we cooked food.

On the eighth day, we spilled a few flakes of organic oatmeal, and the squirrels scurried under our feet and picked them up.

Then we packed up our camp. The GMO bread was still inches from their hole, and not a single animal had tried to eat any of the GMO bread, except for us.

What did the squirrels, birds and other animals sense about GMO that we couldn’t? What do they know about the dangers of GMO that our government, the food corporations and the GMO corporations know but are unwilling to tell us?

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