
Posts Tagged ‘Samuel Alioto’

The New York Times and MSNBC are flagships of Democratic Party control, along with other news outlets. The Republican Party wields similar control over such outlets as the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. Wall Street exercises massive influence over all of the above. And Wall Street does not want somebody to become president of the United States. Elizabeth Warren is that person.

Warren is one of the most pro-99 percent members of the United States Senate, along with Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkley, Sherrod Brown and a few others. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez us her closest competitor in the U.S. House of Representatives in this regard.

The last thing billionaire Wall Street executives want is a president who will put an end to their corruption of US politicians, end the production of legislation that redistributes income from the 99 percent to the billionaires, and put an end to the massive corruption of the corporate wing of the United States Supreme Court.

That is why the Wall Street controlled Democratic National Committee (DNC) and its political weapons of mass misinformation, such as the New York Times, are focusing all of their attention on Warren’s youthful claim of thirty-three years ago that she had Native-American ancestors, which Warren’s DNA test verified six months ago. The intent of this is to discredit and ridicule Warren as a presidential candidate. The real issues, such as income and wealth inequality and the legislation that has brought this about via the massive corruption of all three branches of the United States government, are not being mentioned, and deliberately so.

Warren is one of the very best candidates for president the 99 percent and uncorrupted democracy could have and the worst for the billionaires of Wall Street. For example, Warren is the sponsor of the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act. Some of the features of this legislation would eliminate even remote possibilities of corrupting lawmakers and that is a scary prospect for the billionaires of Wall Street who count on that corruption to be able to get richer at the expense of everyone else. A few of the provisions of the legislation are below and notice the corporate news/propaganda outlets are deliberately not mentioning them.

Warren’s legislation would ban individual stock ownership by Members of Congress, Cabinet Secretaries, senior congressional staff, federal judges (such as the corrupt corporate wing of the United States Supreme Court), White House staff and other senior agency officials while in office. Prohibit all government officials from holding or trading stock where its value might be influenced by their agency, department, or actions. It would also:

• Apply conflict of interest laws to the President and Vice President through the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act, which would require the President and the Vice President to place conflicted assets, including businesses, into a blind trust to be sold off.

• Require senior government officials and White House staff to divest from privately-owned assets that could present conflicts, including large companies and commercial real estate.

• Apply ethics rules to all government employees, including unpaid White House staff and advisors.

• Require most executive branch employees to recuse from all issues that might financially benefit themselves or a previous employer or client from the preceding 4 years.

• Create conflict-free investment opportunities for federal officials with new investment accounts managed by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board and conflict-free mutual funds.

All of these provisions would help ensure the restoration of uncorrupted democracy in the United States, but the badly corrupted corporate news media would rather have you focus on other issues while attempting to discredit the author of the above provisions. Corruption clearly extends beyond easy purchases made in the political markets.

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A political coup has taken place and the US Constitution has been overthrown. The so-called conservative justices on the US Supreme Court have lied, cheated and simply made up stuff in order to steal your constitutionally guaranteed freedoms while handing greater constitutional rights to billionaires and their corporations.

With the retirement of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, President Trump’s nominee Brett Kavanaugh is expected to continue the coup.

While the corporate false news media, both liberal and conservative, will (and has) showered us with speculation of how Kavanaugh will vote to roll back abortion rights, in reality, Trump nominated Kavanaugh to steal your freedoms by rolling back your constitutional rights and to increase the constitutional rights of the billionaires. The abortion issue, while real, is, in reality, a deliberate distraction, a slight of hand, while the corporate justices alter the constitution in violation of the original intent of the founding fathers.

None of the following points has ever been mentioned by the corporate news media and deliberately so, not even the rich man’s bastion of rich man’s liberalism, the New York Times, has dared mention the following.

The corporate/rich man’s wing of the court has been waging class warfare against the 99 percent for forty years in violation of the US Constitution and legal precedence. So it is considered a foregone conclusion that the far right and fascist billionaires who control the Republican Party and the US Senate will confirm Kavanaugh through their senator puppets.

Theses corrupt activist members of the United States Supreme Court blithely favor conservative money, wealth and power over all else. The current anti-Constitution justices corrupted by powerful vested interests are John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch. All claim to be “original intent jurists.” In other words, when they rule on a legal issue, they claim they follow the original intent of the founding fathers.

All four have shown that their job is to rob the 99 percent of their Constitutional rights and to give more legal rights to the rich and their corporations, which they have done time and again. This legal corruption makes it easier for the rich to steal from the rest of us.

The rich derive most of their political, economic and legal power from their ownership of limited liability corporations. Quite naturally, all five so-called original intent justices argue that publicly traded corporations are persons with all of the legal rights of human citizens. These justices are not ignorant little boys.

They know publicly traded corporations did not come out of a woman’s womb. They know corporations are simply an idea of a form of business structure given life by state legislation. They know the United States Constitution does not even mention the word corporation. They know that not a single one of the founding fathers ever mention “persons” and “corporations” together in any sentence, paragraph, or chapter of any of their voluminous writings. The idea that corporations are people subverts the original intent of the US Constitution, which gives only individual’s legal rights. Ideas of business models were never given any constitutional rights by anybody until corrupt supreme court justices decided it was so.

Since the rich control the mechanisms of corporations, the court’s decision in this regard is to hand greater constitutional rights to a legislatively created tool of the rich, giving the one percent greater power than the founding fathers wanted or been able to imagine. Then the corrupt wing of the court issued another class war decision.

The activist Supreme Court declared in its 2010 Citizen’s United ruling that corporations spending money on political advertisements is free speech, but nowhere in the United States Constitution is such power granted or even recognized. And nowhere in any founding fathers writings is such a power to be found. Now corporate advertisements are drowning out the free speech of all others, especially during election season.

In addition, this ruling eliminated one hundred years of campaign financing laws. Two corrupt US Supreme Court justices, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia, “participated in political strategy sessions” to advance this case, perhaps while the case was pending, with corporate leaders whose political aims were advanced by the decision,” according to Common Cause.

U.S. Supreme Court Cheif Justice John Roberts gave sworn testimony in his confirmation hearings before the US Senate that he would respect legal precedents. He, obviously, lied under oath. Think about it. A known perjurer in now the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. His job is to overthrow the US Constitution on behalf of his class solidarity, just like the other corrupt corporate members of the US Supreme Court. He has been doing a marvelous job.

These corrupt activist justices have simply been making up shit in order to give the rich and their business tools called corporations greater Constitutional rights while diminishing the Constitutional rights of the 99 percent in the process.

The lies, the made-up make-believe that ideas are people and that money is free speech, the perjuries, and working with the rich on cases the justices are about to rule on demonstrate without a doubt that the sole purpose of the corrupted members of the court has been to wage class warfare on behalf of the rich by subverting the US Constitution. Doing so has allowed for a greater political rule and constitutional rights for the rich, and these activist class warriors have succeeded against the original intent of our founding fathers.

Trump nominated Kavanaugh to continue the on-going coup waged by the rich against the 99 percent, the US Constitution and the original intent of the founding fathers.

See the following link for more information. Click here.

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By now it is clear that the Koch Brothers have bought half or more of the US Supreme Court; justices Antonin Scalia, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Do you remember when Chief Justice Roberts committed perjury under sworn testimony during his confirmation hearings in front of the senate when he claimed he would respect “legal precedence” and then promptly showed what a liar he was when he voted to destroy 100 years of legal precedence on campaign finance with his Koch Brothers inspired decision to vote yes on Citizens United? That’s the influence billions of dollars have on the Koch Brothers wing of the US supreme court.

Now it turns out the Brothers have influence on US energy policy. Click the link below for the complete story.

Do the Koch Brothers Determine US Energy Policy?

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