
Archive for June, 2012

Why did Wall Street Mitt ship tens of thousands of jobs overseas? Easy answer. So that he could redistribute the income of tens of thousands of working Americans to himself and become a multimillionaire. The difference between the old, higher, wages here and the new, lower, wages there went directly into his pockets, as well as the pockets of his rich investors. For each job shipped overseas, that income scheme continues year after year after year. That’s precisely how Wall Street works and gets rich. It’s a complete income redistribution scam. Our economy is a rigged game. So is our government. Our government has been completely corrupted by Big Money, which has become big with income redistributed from the pockets of the 99 to the 1 percent. Now our corrupted government is aiding and abetting this scam.

Check out the story below from the Washington Post. It’s about Wall Street Mitt, our wannabe Job-Exporter-In-Chief.

Romney Made His Millions by Destroying Tens of Thousands of US Jobs

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Corporations are income redistribution conduits of the 1 percent. They are known as “organized money,” and are intended to suck the rest of us dry. They’re very efficient at this task. That’s why corporate profits are at an all time high. In each industry, they simply jack up their prices, usually nearly simultaneously, certainly within days of each other. There are plenty of examples of this, such as the latest artificial crisis created by Big Oil that resulted in higher prices at the pump. Most industries work like that; coffee, tea, cereal, toilet paper, electronics, etc….

Obviously, the difference between the old prices the 99 percent pays and the new higher prices goes into the pockets of the 1 percent via higher corporate earnings, increased dividends and rising share prices. None of this could occur without this income redistribution scam. If businesses really competed, we’d have declining prices, which would result in reduced earnings, dividends and share prices. It would also stop the income redistribution scam, which is helped by government. Wall Street would also collapse.

The feds won’t enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and force competition on corporations, except, of course, for the little guys. And secondly, the government makes sure the methodology that it uses to gauge inflation does not include most price increases, such as energy and food. The feds have tweaked the methodology 20 times since 1981. This means they’ve perfected a way to fool the vast majority of citizens, but not all of us.

Also, corporations have shipped plenty of jobs overseas under the disguise of free trade treaties. The difference between the old wages here and the new lower wages there sneak into the already fat wallets of the rich via higher dividends and share prices. In other words, free trade treaties are an income redistribution scam.

The rise in corporate profits during economic tough times, like those we currently live in, is caused by these conspiracies and not by wonderfully adept management. In fact, corporations are so badly mismanaged that incompetent CEO’s are forced to engage in these illegal conspiracies, aided and abetted by a government completely corrupted by Organized Money. But these CEOs receive awesome compensation for their incompetence.

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Corporate profits at an all time high!

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Today, the Washington Post reported that Bain Capital, the private equity firm Mitt Romney headed for fifteen years, invested extensively in corporations that shipped jobs overseas to low-wage countries like China. The practice contradicts the rhetoric of candidate Romney, who since announcing his presidential ambitions, has criticized government policies that have led to jobs, particularly those in manufacturing, moving offshore.

The difference between the old higher wages here and the newer lower wages over there filled the pockets of Bain’s rich investors, as well as Romney’s wallet. In other words, Wall Street Mitt made his money redistributing income from working Americans to the idle rich. That’s what so-called free trade is all about. Romney knows this. So does the Washington Post, but the corporate media giant isn’t going to tell you that.

You know all those big fat houses Romney owns? He got them by shipping the jobs of workers overseas and pocketing the difference between the old wages and the new.

Rather than dispute the substance of the article, the Romney campaign has responded to the Post piece by parsing words, claiming that the story is “fundamentally flawed” for not differentiating between the technical definitions of “outsourcing” and “offshoring”:

“This is a fundamentally flawed story that does not differentiate between domestic outsourcing versus offshoring nor versus work done overseas to support U.S. exports. Mitt Romney spent 25 years in the real world economy so he understands why jobs come and they go,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said. What Saul didn’t say in interesting; jobs went away so that the wages of working people could be redistributed to the 1 percent. Saul continued, “As president, he will implement policies that make it easier and more attractive for companies to create jobs here at home. President Obama’s attacks on profit and job creators make it less attractive to create jobs in the U.S.”

Technically, the campaign is correct. The official definition of outsourcing is pushing activities outside of the company that could have been performed in-house. A company can outsource, while keeping the activity domestic. Offshoring is the practice of sending jobs overseas.

However, outsourcing is commonly used to describe the practice of moving jobs to foreign countries. But just to be clear, ThinkProgress has changed the text of the Post article so that the proper technical terms are used:

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A US presidential election will take place in November pitting President Obama against challenger Mitt Romney. There’s one thing that can be said about this contest. Each man represents a powerful faction of Wall Street and other wealthy con artists, like the Crown brothers of the Military Industrial Complex. They are billionaire investors that have groomed President Obama to be president like a well trained bird dog. Both factions want to suck the 99 percent and government at all levels financially dry by redistributing income and wealth from those to the themselves.

Don’t you wish we a had a real choice for president? Listen to the video below. I bet you wished we had that guy to vote for; the real man of the people.

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The Crown Family: Investing in weapons, Death, War and Obama

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The political “system is broken,” Arizona Senator John McCain said in an interview with David Gregory of NBC. He also called the decision by the corrupt Koch Brothers Wing of the Supreme Court, “the worst (court) decision of the twenty-first century.” Click below for details and video of the interview.

John McCain Calls Supreme Court Uniformed, Arrogant , Naive for Citizens United Decision

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The plodding US economy, meager job growth and market tensions over Europe’s debt crisis will hang over Federal Reserve policymakers when they meet next week.

A recent string of weak data on the economy, from rising jobless claims to easing inflation as gasoline prices retrench, has raised speculation that the Fed may act to boost growth.

When the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meets Tuesday and Wednesday, policymakers will know the outcome of Sunday’s Greek election, which could see voters reject the country’s EU-IMF bailout and force it to exit the eurozone. That would be a good thing for the 99 percent of Greece.

However, the Fed will not deal with the redistribution of income and wealth that has occurred over the last thirty years in the United States. That’s what ails the US economy.

The US government has enacted legislation during the last thirty years that has redistributed income from the 99 percent to the 1 percent; the 1 percent now receive about 27 percent of all income generated in the US compared to about 8 percent thirty-one years ago. That means the 99 percent have less cash to buy stuff, so the economy remains fragile because demand for goods and services is weak.

In the meantime, the 1 percent use their ill gotten income to find ways to suck more money out of the of 99 percent, like more free income redistribution trade treaties.

In other words, when the mighty officials of the Federal Reserve meet on Tuesday, perhaps they’ll look at ways to tweak the economy, because they have no intention of dealing with the reality of why the US economy sucks for the 99 percent. That would upset members of the 1 percent who control the US government, and who would then demand the political heads of Ben Bernanke and other Federal Reserve officials.

On the other hand, it’s possible the Federal Reserve is meeting to decide just how they can put more money into the hands of the rich, especially since the Fed has given $26 trillion to the banksters and fixed their books to make it look like the money was paid back when it was impossible to have done so. So perhaps they’re meeting to decide how they can suck more cash out of the 99 percent and give it to the 1 percent. That is their job, or so it seems.

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Why Wall Street Mitt is Wrong When He Says He’ll Cut Government Spending and That Will Solve All Our Economic Problems

One percent took home 93 percent of total US Income Growth 2009-2010

Breakdown of the $26 Trillion the Federal Reserve Gave Out to Save Incompetent Investors

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Things got incredibly bad under President George W. Bush. He lead us into the Great Recession. Click on the link below to see why this is so.

Five Reasons Why Americans Are Right to Blame George Bush for the Economy

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The US economy is slowing and there’s a reason for it. This is lost on Wall Street Mitt Romney, a presidential candidate that wants to elevate the economic aristocrats of Wall Street by laying waste the American middle class.

So why is the economy slowing? Government spending is decreasing, thanks to Republicans in the House of Representatives who would rather starve middle class babies to death than follow the president’s lead and enact policies that might make President Obama re-electable.

So why is decreasing government spending a bad thing? Neither Republicans, Democrats or the corporate media want you to know the real reason.

Right now the 1 percent steal via corrupted government legislation about 26 percent of the total US income, that includes 93 percent of all income growth over the last two years. They’re getting more and more while the 99 percent is getting less and less. Thirty years ago, the 1 percent got around 8 percent of total US income. Three years ago it was 24 percent.

That means the 99 percent has less money to demand the goods and services necessary to keep the economy afloat.

What do the rich do with the cash? They invest it in sucking more cash out of the 99 percent. They buy stocks and bonds and push CEO’s to ship jobs overseas. The extra cash gives them additional funds to purchase more legislators, like Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden, and influence them to enact free trade treaties that enable corporations to ship the jobs of the 99 percent overseas, or make it easier to create them there, rather than here. The difference between the old, higher, wages here and the new lower wages there go into the pockets of the 1 percent via higher stock prices, rising dividends and greater corporate profits. The 1 percent also purchase deregulation, which helps to suck us dry, as well as other legislation that does the same thing.

So if the members of the 99 percent experience a reduction of income from 92 to 74 percent, that means they have less money to spend. The economy should collapse unless there’s something that makes up the difference of 18 percent. That difference took the form of a housing bubble to some degree. It took the form of a credit bubble and a tech bubble. The truth is that, ultimately, government spending has gradually taken up the slack.

Reduce government spending right now and the demand for goods and services slows and the economy contracts, which it appears to be doing. It’s possible the cutbacks are insufficient to send us over a cliff just yet, since the spending reductions in terms of percentage aren’t that huge.

On the other hand, if Wall Street Mitt becomes president he’ll put the petal to the metal, slash government spending, and send us barreling further into an economic catastrophe that may make the Great Depression look like great times. Actually, we’re already in a calamity brought about by Republican and Democratic Party income redistribution scams that suck money from the 99 to the 1 percent, but this can’t go on forever, unless most voters prefer the US become a banana republic.

In other words, a vote for Wall Street Mitt is a vote for a rapid expansion of unemployment that will likely enrich Wall Street titans by redistributing income from the 99 to the 1 percent.

As an aside, this redistribution scam has brought on every recession for as far back as statistics are available. Here’s a little known fact. Dividend payments soared during the first eighteen months of the Great Depression. The rich got richer as people were laid off and the wages from the lost jobs were diverted to profits and dividend payments.

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We know modern Republicans want to eradicate words, like “liberal Republican.” You knew those people thirty years ago. Governor Tom McCall of Oregon, as well as liberal Republican senators Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood were major movers and shakers in the party. Those folks wouldn’t be allowed in the party nowadays. Liberal as a word has been eradicated from the Republican Party. Guess what words conservatives are trying to destroy today.

Click the link below to find out.

Words Conservatives Hate

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