
Archive for September 3rd, 2014

Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden, who in theory represents the people of Oregon, but in reality lives in New York City, and serves the plutocrats of Wall Street, knows the days of Fast Tracking of Free trade treaties that redistribute income from the 99 to the 1 percent are over. Fast track is a policy whereby debate on one of these income redistribution treaties is limited in congress, and only an up and down vote can take place. It should be pointed out that Wall Street servant President Barack Obama is a keen supporter of fast tracking the Trans Pacific Partnership, the biggest income redistribution treaty of all time, which the president erroneously calls a free trade treaty.

Now Wyden wants to introduce something called Smart Track to replace Fast Track. Smart Track, which has not been written yet, no doubt, will be Fast Track in disguise.

The purpose of Fast or Smart Track is to keep congressional debate limited to a few words, so the public will not discover this scam of the 1 percent and mobilize opposition against it before cowards like Wyden vote for it against the wishes of the people of the USA.

It should be pointed out that Wyden has voted for every piece of legislation that redistributes income from the 99 to the 1 percent during his career in the US House of Representatives and as a US Senator.

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