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“Bolivia has reduced poverty and inequality more than any country in the Western Hemisphere over the last ten years by increasing the minimum wage 87%, doubling investment in schools and healthcare, and lowering the pension retirement age from 65 to 60. The government paid for these programs by increasing taxes on oil profits from 18% to 82%, which also allowed the country to eliminate its debt and amass the world’s largest surplus. Bolivia is now estimated to have the region’s fastest growing economy this year and next, according to the IMF.”

Everything the government of Bolivia has done has ignited the demand for goods and services. Whereas, in the United States, the government continuously redistributes income from the 99 to the 1 percent via legislation. Corrupt corporate Democrats, about 90 percent of representatives, such as Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden, along with the entire corrupt Republican delegation to congress, are responsible for destroying the American economy by doing the reverse of what Bolivia has done.

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