
Posts Tagged ‘human rights’

Can anybody guess in what nation the writer of the following lives? “People who work here have to work 15 hours a day without Saturday, Sunday break and any holidays. Otherwise, they will suffer torture, beatings and rude remarks. Nearly no payment (10 yuan/1 month).” That translates to about $1.61 a month.

If you guessed China, you got it right. The beatings, the torture, the horrible wages, they’re all on behalf of Apple, Microsoft, Nike and hundreds of other US corporations. Many of these corporations are from other nations.

Don’t let anybody fool you. The Chinese are suffering under their communist/corporate masters. They’re not living in some middle class nirvana, at least not most of them.

Click the link below for the complete story.


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Let’s get this straight. When those folks kill, maim, torture and blast our folks we call it terrorism. When we kill, maim, torture and blast their folks into pieces, we call it a “war on terror.” Sounds like perpetual war for perpetual peace. But the phrase should more realistically be like, “Sounds like perpetual war for perpetually and massively high profits going into the already fat wallets of the 1 percent and, oh yeah, perpetual peace for the 99 percent, too!

Click the link below for former US President Jimmy Carter’s take on the Obama Administration’s war on terror.

Former US President Jimmy Carter Accuses Obama Administration of Massive Human Rights Abuses.

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