
Archive for April 4th, 2014

Not so shockingly, earlier this week, on the US Supreme Court, the disciples of the almighty dollar who religiously protect the profits and the rights of the 1 percent to shape the nation’s laws against the US Constitution and legal precedence, so as to better redistribute income from the 99 percent to themselves, have struck again. The corporate wing of the court struck down “a long-standing limit on how much donors can give to federal candidates, political parties and political action committees in a two-year election cycle. Without any aggregate limit, a donor can now give millions (even billions) directly to candidates and parties. The 5-to-4 decision in the McCutcheon v. FEC case is being described as the “next Citizens United,” referring to the 2010 ruling that opened the floodgates for unlimited corporate spending on U.S. elections.”

During his senate confirmation hearings, future US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts declared that he would respect legal precedence. So, too, did Justice Samuel Alito, at his hearing. They both lied under oath. The only precedence they respect is that which makes corporations and the rich more politically powerful, and the precedence they don’t respect are the ones that make publicly traded limited liability corporations and the rich politically and economically weaker. In other words, Roberts and Alito are two of the five Supreme Court justices that are respectfully known as the corporate wing of the Supreme Court, and they lied under oath to get there.

The sleaze factor, related to the corruption factor, was on full display last week when Roberts and Alito voted to once again put their lies during their confirmation hearings on full display. Check out the links below.

The New York Times–Precedents Begin to Fall for Roberts Court

Democracy Now! Senator Bernie Sanders–Supreme court undermines democracy by allowing billionaires to buy elections

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