
Posts Tagged ‘Compensation’

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CEO’s have shipped tens of millions of our jobs away, on an average of one to three million a year, which has severely weakened our tax base, and redistributed trillions of dollars from the 99 to the 1 percent, leading to the greatest maldistribution of income and wealth in US history, and a nation teetering on third world status. They’ve poisoned us with genetically modified food, led us into wars with lies, polluted our air and caused an outbreak of Autism in the process, and gutted the US economy as badly as any butcher would a deer.

They’ve corrupted our government to the point where it is now a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

They’ve corrupted both the conservative and the liberal wings of the US Supreme Court so that only one of the two wings of the 1 percent are represented and big money will almost always win in that court against the people and the US Constitution.

CEO’s have run their businesses into the ground and have been forced to take trillions of dollars in bailout money from the US government and the Federal Reserve.

Something corrupt and rotten is going on here. The graph below suggests the average CEO pay rate has been heading in the wrong direction for sixty-three years. The graph is also in error. This morning a new study by the Economic Policy Institute came out that shows CEO pay to be 273 times greater than average worker pay, and not 204, which the graph below shows. Perhaps CEO pay compared to average worker pay should be closer to 1:1, or better yet, 1/4:1.

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