
Archive for March 21st, 2014

These concerned citizens are voicing their displeasure with Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden’s position on Fast Track, which is legislation allowing for a quick, decisive knockout blow to the US middle class by redistributing massive amounts of their income and political power to the senator’s constituents on Wall Street and among the other 1 percent via the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), also known as NAFTA on Steroids. BTW, yours truly is holding the K, and there is no mention of this event or the TPP in the local corporate owned propaganda machine, also know erroneously known as the corporate press. The photo above is from Oregon Fair Trade.[/caption]

Oregon Fair Trade Campaign and others, such as Alliance for Democracy and labor unions, delivered over 13,000 names on old tech floppy disks to Sen Wyden’s Portland Oregon office. The message boards read FAST TRACK IS A FLOP, but the folks in Wyden’s office would not accept the disks! They claimed it was security issue, even though the disks made it through security checks. Wyden is Wall Street’s point man on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). This so-called free trade treaty does a ton of good for Wall Street and publicly traded corporations, and all at the expense of the 99 percent. That’s why this treaty was negotiated in top secrecy, and with only 600 corporate lobbyists allowed to attend and assist the various negotiators. Wyden has a 100 percent record of supporting legislation and treaties that redistribute income and wealth from the 99 to the 1 percent. That’s why Wall Street executives like this treaty, that’s why Nike’s Phil Knight loves this treaty, and that’s precisely why Wall Street and Nike Senator Ron Wyden gushes with joy over this treaty. The TPP is not the only flop for the American people, Ron Wyden is complete flop and failure at representing the people of Oregon year after year after year on economic matters, 100 percent of the time.

Elizabeth Swager, the director of Oregon Fair Trade, is heading to the Portland Oregon office of Wall Street Senator Ron Wyden to deliver over 13,000 signatures on floppy disks opposing legislation called Fast Track, which is something Wall Street and Wyden want. Such legislation will allow a quick yes or no vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership, the largest redistribution of income from the 99 to the 1 percent treaty ever written, mostly by corporate lobbyists, which is why the treaty is the most secretly negotiated treaty in US history. Photo above is from Alliance for Democracy.

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