
Archive for March 30th, 2015

Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed the GMO herbicide as a possible cause of cancer. There are numerous studies that show Glyphosate causes all sorts of human maladies, such as autism, cancer, obesity and many other things. Check out the video below to discover more about these studies.

Your government is putting corporate profits over your health for a simple reason. The more medical problems you get from GMOs, the more hospital profits go up. For profit making hospitals, this is a win-win situation, and your government is a willing partner is this crime.

Dr Mercola has studied this issue for years and he writes, “Increasing exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, may be at least partially to blame for rising rates of numerous chronic diseases in Westernized societies, according to recent research.

The finding, published in Entropy,1 has ramifications for virtually every man, woman and child in developed nations, as this pesticide is widely used on both conventional and, especially, genetically modified (GM) crops (to the tune of more than one billion pounds sprayed in the US alone).

If you eat processed foods, most of which are made with GM corn and soy ingredients, you’re consuming glyphosate residues, probably in each and every bite. Knowing this, and the fact that tests show people in 18 countries across Europe already have glyphosate in their bodies,2 the following news should leave you very, very concerned… if not compelled to take action against this health-endangering chemical.

Check out the rest of what Dr. Mercola below.

Gut-Wrenching New Studies Reveal the Insidious Effects of Glyphosate–Mercola.com

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