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In Oregon, ballot measure 92 asks voters to vote yes or no on labeling food products with GMOs in them. There are plenty of studies that show the harmful impacts on animals, but no long term studies have been done on humans.

Syngenta is the 2nd largest manufacture of GMOs in the world, and its own leaked studies show that the GMO grains it produces for milk cows kills milk cows, and yet, it still sells that poison to dairy farmers. There is an ongoing lawsuit in Germany over this issue. Another of Sygenta’s leaked studies demonstrates a tight link between the demise of amphibians (such as frogs in the USA) and one of its GMO herbicides. That story was published in an academic journal in 2001. Since then, numerous other unbiased academic studies have been published showing the same result. There are a plethora of studies showing that rats fed a diet of GMOs have gotten tumors, cancer, deformed genitalia, and more.

Given the mass of evidence, it appears that the primary purpose of the Oregonian newspaper, as well as the local Willamette Week, is to keep people ignorant of these important issues. The editorial boards of both newspapers have recommended a “no” vote on Measure 92 because there are no long term studies showing potential harmful impacts of GMOs to humans. I’ve never known anybody to have volunteered for such an experiments. Neither newspaper have ever mentioned in the ink on their pages, so far as I can find, the academic studies showing the harm GMO poisons do to animals.

Most people don’t know much, if anything, about genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and that 70 percent of our food are made with them. This suggests the purpose of the Oregonian newspaper and the Willamette Week, as well as most media outlets, is to keep people ignorant. Would anybody eat food with this poison in them if they knew about the dire health risks posed by them? Probably not. Perhaps that’s why these propaganda tools refuse to mention the studies showing unhealthy results of eating GMOs, and why they ask people to vote no on Measure 92.

The actions of the editors of both newspapers also show us that they are merely a tool of the one percent that are used to mislead and lie to the 99 percent so as to more easily shape public opinion to support the financial raping and pillaging of the 99 percent by and for the 1 percent.

Vote for your health! Vote for the health of your children! Vote for the 99 percent! Vote against the 1 percent in their war against the middle class. Do something the editors of the Oregonian newspaper don’t want you to do. Vote yes on Measure 92!

Check out the links below if you want more information.

A valuable reputation–New Yorker

Consumer Reports Throws It Weight Behind GMO Labeling–Washington Post

GMO Corn: Killing the Cows Whose Milk We Drink–JohnHively.wordpress.com

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