
Posts Tagged ‘Sausage’

Whole Foods

On Saturday June 29, 2013, my girlfriend and I ambled into a Whole Foods Market on a search for camping food, but we came away stunned at what we learned about their sausages.

We were looking for organic burger and hot dog buns and sausages. So we strolled up to the meat counter and came to the sausages. A handwritten sign on the counter window said, “We make our sausages by hand.” A man behind the counter asked us if he could help us. I asked him if the sausages on display were all natural.

“Yeah,” he said.

This is Whole Foods, I thought. This is supposed to be the healthy store, but just to be funny, I asked, “Are there any GMO ingredients (genetically modified organism) in them?”

“All of our sausages have GMO ingredients in them,” he said.

“But you said your sausages were all natural.”

The meat man explained his reasoning as to why GMO products were all natural, as if taking a gene from a fish and inserting it into a soybean or canola seed, or taking a toxin and stuffing it into beet seeds, is natural. He concluded, “So if something says it’s all natural, it could have GMO ingredients, like our sausages. If something says organic, then it can’t have any GMOs in it.”

We thanked the man, strolled over to prepacked sausages, and bought a brand that said, “Organic.”

I had walked into the market thinking that we had strolled into a virtual health food store, but I left realizing that anything Whole Foods makes and sells could have GMO poison in it unless it has the organic label attached to it. Because of this market chains reputation, many people may never suspect that Whole Foods mixes in GMO poison with its sausages, as well as anything else made by the company, even if the label says, “all natural.” This is deception at its worst.

GMO foods are known to cause allergies, organ failure, shriveled testicles in rats, dead rats, a 55 percent infant mortality rate for rats within two months of being fed GMO foods, cattle that died within days of being fed GMO. Some of this is caused by the Bt toxin. It’s inserted into plants, and “ruptures the stomach of any insect that feeds upon the plant.” Monsanto manufactures the Bt poison and claims this toxin breaks down before the GMO foods make it to your dinner table. That’s a lie. Traces of the Bt toxin have been discovered in pregnant women, and the poison wouldn’t have done all that’s been attributed to it if that were true.

That’s probably why Monsanto legislatively pushed to save itself from financially disastrous lawsuits, many of which have already been filed, when its president, Barack Obama, signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law. The law basically exempted Monsanto from certain kinds of liabilities. By signing the law, Obama showed he was Monsanto’s president, and not yours.

Boycott Whole Foods until they get rid of the poison, at least out of the stuff they make by hand in their stores. Boycott Now!

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